Latest Episodes

Demystifying the Art of Tarot with Emily McGill
Like meditation, there are many misconceptions surrounding the art of tarot. Old wives tales, superstitions, and stereotypes distract us from the fact that it’s...

My Five Fundamental Truths
In the process of creating and expanding this business, I’ve had the chance to really fine tune my message and hone in on my...

Why Self-Ownership is Key to a Healthy Sex Life with Liz Dube
There’s nothing quite as taboo as the subject of sex. That’s why - in true Breathe In, Breathe Out fashion - we’re bringing it...

Meditation for Spring Cleaning
In last week's episode of Breathe In, Breathe Out, we discussed how the concept of "spring cleaning" isn't just for dusty bookshelves and dingy...

How to Spring Clean Your Life
Here in Colorado, spring is finally in full-swing. The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and everything is turning green once again. Winter...

Discovering Your Ultimate Truth with Brighid Murphy
The last few years have been full of chaos and confusion to say the least. In uncertain times, it’s easy to feel completely powerless....