Latest Episodes

107: Past Life Regression Meditation Guided by Kevin Pennell
In the latest episode of Breathe In, Breathe Out, Kevin Pennell, a Reiki master and past life regression expert, guides us through a Past...

106: Past Life Regression: Uncovering the Soul's Journey with Kevin Pennell
In this episode of Breathe In, Breathe Out, we invite returning guest Kevin Pennell to discuss past life regression and its benefits. Kevin Pannell,...

105: Mindful Caregiving: Managing My New Role with the Old One
My mom was recently diagnosed with an aggressive form of Dementia. The symptoms she’s experiencing and emotional upheaval that has come along with it...

104: Relaxing or Dissociating
It is hard to know the difference between relaxation and dissociation. Tune into how you feel after your activity and if it doesn't actually...

103: The Importances of Forgiveness and Self Recovery with Rev Rachel
IN this weeks episode I interview Rev. Rachel Harrison. She is dedicated to offering inspiration, strength and hope through the tools of Soul Recovery,...

102: Reflection on Two Years of Podcasting
The past two years I have been recording and releasing a podcast every week. Can you believe that! It has been such an incredible...