What Do You Need to Let Go Of?

Episode 91 January 04, 2023 00:15:44
What Do You Need to Let Go Of?
Breathe In, Breathe Out with Krystal Jakosky
What Do You Need to Let Go Of?

Jan 04 2023 | 00:15:44


Hosted By

Krystal Jakosky

Show Notes

Who would have thought I’d be walking through a forest with the kindest bear filled with thought provoking knowledge. In this week's episode of Breathe In, Breathe Out, I invite you to join me on this meditative journey and see what you can let go of.




FIRST TIME HERE? Hey, there! I’m Krystal Jakosky - a teacher, writer, and transformational life coach based in CO. I release weekly podcasts about self-care, hard truths, journaling, meditation, and radical self-ownership. All are wholeheartedly welcome here. 

LET’S CONNECT! Visit my website and visit me on InstagramFacebook, YouTube.

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Episode Transcript

Think meditation is hard? Do me a favor, take a slow deep breath in and now breathe out. Congratulations, you just meditated. Hi, I’m Krystal Jakosky, and this is Breathe In, Breathe Out: a Weekly Mindfulness and Meditation podcast for anyone ready to own their own shit and find a little peace while doing it. Welcome back to Breathe In, Breathe Out. I'm Krystal Jakosky and I'm excited that you're here today because I want to share with you this personal fantastic moment that I had and then next week I'm going to take you on your own journey. So here we go. I was seeking inspiration. I needed an answer, so I decided to go on a meditative journey. I closed my eyes, I took a nice deep cleansing breath. I allowed the world to fall away while I tuned in to my heart, to my breathing, into the moment that I was experiencing right there. Eventually, after I'd calmed my entire body, my scan released as much as I could, another deep breath. And I looked into my mind's eye to see what was there. , What am I going to experience today, and how am I going to find the answers that I need now, a way that I end up journeying? I follow the tree trunk down to its roots, and oftentimes I find myself in this little cave, which is where I found myself this time. And two of my spirit animals were there, this little rabbit, and this hare. And then outside of my cave was this majestic St. Now, these two animals came to me to bring me messages before. So as I found myself in this space, it was like coming back to an old familiar friend, and it was fantastic to see them there and remember the messages that they had given me before and know that whatever came next I could trust. So I looked, I got up, I walked to the entrance of the cave and I said, Okay, so where am I supposed to go? What am I supposed to do? The next thing I know, this large brown bear comes rambling up to the cave, a huge bear. And he looks at me gently and he says, So what do you want? My snarky side bubbled up and said, Well, you've got something to teach me, so why don't you show me the way? This giant bear seemed to grin at me. And he started walking down a path leading away from the cave. And I followed him, and in a moment, we found ourselves at the shoreline of a beautiful mountain lake. This is where my lesson began. So picture it behind you are these large trees, the curve around the shore, they're thriving on the water and the sun beaming into this serene space. I was standing on rocky sand looking across a large grassy expanse of water. On one end, I could see where this stream entered the lake. And when I looked across the water and down somewhere at the other end, I instinctively knew that there was an outlet. So the water was continuing to flow, even though it looked so glassy directly across the river from me were mountains that rose up into majestic peaks. And that moment with the trees behind me and the majestic mountains on the other side seemed to be providing safety and grounding and this beautiful, sacred, protected space. But it also gave me this contrast between the amenity of things and the minuteness of things. Everything is so huge, and yet it can all be so small. So I'm sitting there with this bear taking in the moment, and he asks me, So what do you see? My heart saw peace and tranquility, I could feel beauty and release. There was a deep breath, like a sigh that was releasing all of the stress. And I melted into that space and in that moment, and yet I intuitively knew that this journey was about so much more than what I was taking in visually. So I said, Okay, Mr. Bear, I see the inlet and I know that there's an outlet over there. I know that this water is flowing. And he asked me, Well, what exists because of that? And I thought life without the added flow, the give-and-take nutrients, and life in this lake would die off. The lake would become stagnant, and a stinky pool filled with decay. This constant income of fresh water coming down from the mountains and letting it churn and then exit down below meant that there was this constant flow of nutrients. But then what was the lesson for me? Because I had come here seeking inspiration. I had come here seeking knowledge and direction, and my answer was, I have to take it in and I have to let it go. If I hold on and refuse to flow, how can new life thrive? If I take in that anger and the upset and I refuse to let it go downstream, it's just going to hang out. And eventually, because I've closed off the release, my lake will start to dwindle, ebb and flow lessons, and relationships. Is what I'm taking in helping my life flourish? Or am I taking in stuff that I would be better off letting go, releasing it downstream? So then the bear said, Look deeper. Okay, I can do that. So when I look deeper, my mind's eye takes me beneath the surface of the water. And that's where I saw silt, sand, organisms, and other things at the bottom of this lake. It could be a lake anywhere. And I'm sure that we would find the same things. An old boot, a fishing rod, maybe a couple of boats down there. I don't know. So it's not unique to this particular lake, I knew that. And yet this was a lesson. What have I allowed to sink to the bottom of my lake? What is resting there? What is holding me down? What would I be better off if I lifted it up into the current floating out of my leg? Soul? And the imagery on this at this moment was so perfect because, in this sense, some of this stuff is going to be really easy to pull out. It's on the surface, it's pretty easy. It doesn't have a lot of mud and silt on it. And yet, you know there are going to be other things that are so heavy. They are going to be married. They are going to be stuck in the silt and debris. And I know that it'll take a bit more work to get these things out. And no matter what, I get out, no matter what I decide to pull up and try to release or heal, it's going to stir up mud and muck. It is going to make the water really ugly, and murky for a little while. Nobody likes this. Nobody likes the challenge that comes from pulling it up. And yet, when it's gone and when everything settles down, when I've worked through all of the crap that I needed to work through, my lake is cleaner and there's more room for positive, fabulous, loving, wonderful things, the life inside my lake is going to be healthier and stronger because I decided that I was going to pull it up, deal with the mud and muck, release, whatever it was that I was holding onto, and then become clean and clear again. Beautiful. And I was like, That's pretty freaking cool. Stuff has come up out of my lake since then, and I recognize it as things that I need to allow to make my mud murky, my water murky before I move on to my next learning lesson, my next education. And yet this fabulous bear looked at me and said, Okay, but there's more. Now. I'm a little snarky, I'm a little impatient. And I really just wanted to say, Can't that be enough? I mean, this was pretty good. This was really good. I'm pretty happy about the things that I've already learned. It's okay now, there was more. So I stopped and I asked again, What else am I supposed to learn at this moment, in this gift of time that I've given myself? And the answer came, The lake is so calm and so peaceful, or so it seems, while the top of this lake was glassy and reflective, there was so much going on beneath the surface, so very much life and energy going on. And that's much like our interactions with each other. What we see is hardly the reality of what we are feeling and experiencing. We hide our truth and reflect on what is more acceptable to those that we're with. Just like a duck. They look pretty freaking calm, hanging out on the top of that glassy surface of the water. But when you look beneath, you see that their feet are paddling like mad to keep them going in a certain direction, or even staying still where it's at. It may look calm. We may let each other think that we're calm and that we've got it all together. And yet every one of us has this tumult going on beneath the surface. We have our own life experiences and responsibilities that we are dealing with that add to that movement, that emotion that feels there, that shifts our own water. We look like we got it together or we might be struggling. And it's not unless we let somebody know that they can help us. Imagine how different emotions would look in the water. What would anger look like? What would sadness look like? What about joy? Think of how water would express these different emotions if it was going on more on the surface and not underneath. It was a fantastic experience. I absolutely loved being in this world, and I loved the messages that I was receiving, and they were all absolutely meant for me at that moment. And yet as I lay there taking in this knowledge, this inspiration that my guides really wanted to show me, I was also told that I needed to bring it back to you. So I've done that. I am bringing it back to you right here, right now. And the question is, what else do you see in this lesson, in this experience, in this journey that I've taken you on? What else is there? What other lessons can you glean from the journey to the lake? I hope you come back next week when I take you through a guided meditation and you can learn your own lessons at our mountain lake. Until next time, I hope this moment of self-care and healing brought you some hope and peace. I’m @krystaljakosky on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube and I hope you check us out and follow along for more content coming soon. I look forward to being with you again here on Breathe In, Breathe Out. Until next time, take care.

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