Meditation to Discover Your Needs (and Then Advocate for Them)

Episode 74 September 07, 2022 00:20:28
Meditation to Discover Your Needs (and Then Advocate for Them)
Breathe In, Breathe Out with Krystal Jakosky
Meditation to Discover Your Needs (and Then Advocate for Them)

Sep 07 2022 | 00:20:28


Hosted By

Krystal Jakosky

Show Notes

This week's guided meditation is a gentle exploration in discovering your needs and then learning how to advocate for them. Settle in, take a deep breath, and let's begin!




FIRST TIME HERE? Hey, there! I’m Krystal Jakosky - a teacher, writer, and transformational life coach based in CO. I release weekly podcasts about self-care, hard truths, journaling, meditation, and radical self-ownership. All are wholeheartedly welcome here. 

LET’S CONNECT! Visit my website and visit me on InstagramFacebook, YouTube.

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Episode Transcript

Think meditation is hard? Do me a favor, take a slow deep breath in and now breathe out. Congratulations, you just meditated. Hi, I’m Krystal Jakosky, and this is Breathe In, Breathe Out: a Weekly Mindfulness and Meditation podcast for anyone ready to own their own shit and find a little peace while doing it. Welcome to Breathe In, Breathe Out. I'm Krystal Jakosky and I'm happy that you're here today. We are going to do a meditation on finding what it is that you need, and then figuring out how to advocate for yourself and get what you need after you've discovered what you need. So get comfortable, find a place to relax, where you won't be interrupted for a little while. Please do not drive. I want you safe and secure. Whether you're laying on the floor, sitting up doing a headstand, I don't care. I want you to be comfortable, comfortable enough to tune into you. So once you're there we're going to start with a nice deep breath in and then let it out. Now take a nice deep breath all the way into the belly and then let it out through the mouth. Keep taking those breaths. Deep breaths in this is a moment for you to relax, to let go of being present in this moment. Feel the surface that is supporting you, your body, your weight, as you take another deep breath in and let it out, know that you're completely supported at this moment. You get to let go. You get to relax. You get to tune in to you. As you keep breathing in and out, we're going to start that scan so that you can let go of everything that is weighing upon you. All of the stress. Keep breathing so deeply into your belly and on the exhale, you start releasing that stress at the top of your head, where your scalp is. You breathe in and that scan slowly start down your forehead near eyebrows, your eyelids, this expressive part of your body. They let so many people know what you're thinking and how you're feeling. Another deep breath in. That scan continues moving down, releasing the stress. It melts off. You breathe out, down your ears, your nose, your lips, keep breathing deep, out your chin down to the base of your head, that swivels around and lets you know what's going around here in the world right now. That neck just gets released. Relax, let go. It is fully supported. As you breathe in and let go, let it sink into the surface, supporting it. Breathe in again. Should go out your shoulders, down your arms. Continue to sink into the surface you are on down your elbows, your forearms, your wrists, all the way out your fingers. Your next deep breath is back to your chest, your rib cage, your back. You feel it expand as you take in a deep breath and then come back to resting. As it releases, you keep breathing in and you feel that belly expand as you take in that deep cleansing breath. As it releases and relaxes, everything melts off and you sink further and deeper. Keep breathing deep, releasing more, going deeper. As you continue down your hips, your thighs and your knees, your body completely relaxes your calves, your ankles, your heels, and on that last exhale all the way out your toes. You feel it relax. Your body's at peace in this moment, continuing to deeply breathe in and out as we're so comfortable and at peace, your mind's eye opens to a safe space. It may just be a cloud of darkness. It may be a forest clearing or a marble fortress, maybe a cliff over the ocean. This is a space of peace, Tranquility and safety. You are completely protected in this space and your mind's eye. You are there and you feel your body. Let go a little and relax, knowing that it's okay, no matter what you're going through in this moment, it's okay. You're safe and protected. This is a moment for you. Breathe in deep, take in your surroundings in the moment before you exhale and take another deep breath in and out, you have a challenge or an issue. There's something going on, keep breathing. It needs a little attention and support. Take a moment and see where it resides and manifests in your body. What is this issue? Breathe in deep, you're safe and exhale. Where does your awareness go? Is it between your shoulder blades and your belly? Where's the stress and concern of this challenge resting in your being? Take a nice deep breath into that space on the exhale, breathe in again, directly into that space. And as you exhale, feel it released a little bit. We need the knot to let go so that you can see clearly. Breathing again, nice and deep and exhale and have it unravel. We're going to sit with this challenge. Sure. Let's bring it out before you, whether it rests in your hands or on the ground. Take this issue out of you. Place it in front of you somewhere. Keep breathing deep. You've got this. There are always answers. You may feel stuck yet. There's an answer for you. We're going to look at this challenge. We're going to look at this issue. We're going to ask our higher selves, those beautiful spirit guides that are always with us to inspire us, help us look at it from a different perspective, take a deep breath and another one, that's right. There are tools. There is support. Keep breathing. There's a way that you can work through it. And with it, ask for inspiration and knowledge. What are the next steps that you need to take to make this a little easier? What little steps can you make? Who can you reach out to for support? Keep breathing deep in and out. Is there a person that you visualize who can assist you? Is there an activity? Is there a type of meal, type of food? Is there a conversation to have, is there a bit of self care that would help seek out that inspiration? Clear your mind. Let it come once you have that inspiration. Your next question is what are my next steps? Now I know who I need to talk to. What do I need to say now? I know what self care, how do I get that? How do I make time for that? What are the next steps to achieving what you need, help support love. What's there, another deep breath in slowly. Let it out. You've got this, another deep breath. Now I want you to take that inspiration and that knowledge, that gift of steps for you to take. I want you to remember that. Is there any other message that the loving beings surrounding you want to give to you at this moment? Take a moment to listen, keep breathing deep. And again, now in this space, take your hands, you can brush off your shoulders, down your arms, shake it on the ground, brush down your head, your chest, your back, just keep brushing, brush all of the stress and the weightiness that's accompanying this issue, brush it away, shake it on the ground. Watch as your aura opens up and it's clearer instead of hazy and dusty, it becomes brighter, stronger. Brush it off all the way down to your toes. Get every bit of a clean, just like a window. Let go of the muck. Let go of the weight. Stand there, strong in your aura. Is there a color you want to add to that? And if you want to add multiple, go for it. It can be an iridescent rainbow, or maybe you want a strong, vibrant color. It's all up to you. Picture your feet like roots, driving down into the ground. Strong, supported, confident, capable, picture your mind and its enlightenment expanding like a tree canopy above you taking in the knowledge and the direction of the spirit guides surrounding you. The gift that is there, the light, the encouragement you are connected to a higher being and you are grounded here on earth. You have a beautiful, strong aura. You have a message from your guides and you have steps forward in this challenging moment for you. So with all of that, we're going to send some gratitude out from our hearts to this space, to this moment, to those beings, which protected and nourished us in this moment, then we're going to slowly come back to the here and now with each breath, you become more aware and alert. You feel the support of the surface. You are on. Another deep breath. You feel the support of your neck. You feel your feet and your hands with another breath. You roll your wrists and flex your fingers. As you become more aware and more present, no breath and you roll your toes, your ankles, and with your next breath, you open your eyes. You look around, you're present in this space. In this moment, in this gift, You remember the messages you received. You remember steps that you need to take. Now you can put them all into action. I hope you have a wonderful day and thank you for joining me today here on Breathe In, Breathe Out. I hope this moment of self-care and healing brought you some hope and peace. I’m @krystaljakosky on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube and I hope you check us out and follow along for more content coming soon. I look forward to being with you again here on Breathe In, Breathe Out. Until next time, take care.

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