Tapping Into Logosynthesis and the Power of Words with Dr. Laurie Weiss

Episode 80 October 19, 2022 00:50:38
Tapping Into Logosynthesis and the Power of Words with Dr. Laurie Weiss
Breathe In, Breathe Out with Krystal Jakosky
Tapping Into Logosynthesis and the Power of Words with Dr. Laurie Weiss

Oct 19 2022 | 00:50:38


Hosted By

Krystal Jakosky

Show Notes

Words are fabulous. If you think about it, they have the power to absolutely transform, provoke, captivate, and heal us. My next guess inspires us all to tap into the wealth of knowledge already within us.

Dr. Laurie Weiss, psychotherapist, coach and relationship communication expert has helped more than 60,000 individuals reclaim life energy and find joy in life for more than five decades. She has taught professionals in 13 countries and authored 13 books that make complex information accessible to anyone. Her latest, Embrace Prosperity: Resolve Blocks to Experiencing Abundance, teaches a powerful way to dissolve self-limiting beliefs.

If you'd like to know more about Dr. Weiss, visit her website here. While you're there, sign up for "Reduce Worry, Starting Now" - a 10-minutes a day process by email.




FIRST TIME HERE? Hey, there! I’m Krystal Jakosky - a teacher, writer, and transformational life coach based in CO. I release weekly podcasts about self-care, hard truths, journaling, meditation, and radical self-ownership. All are wholeheartedly welcome here. 

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Episode Transcript

Think meditation is hard? Do me a favor. Take a slow deep breath in and now breathe out. Congratulations! You just meditated. Hi, I'm Krystal Jakosky and this is Breathe In, Breathe Out, a weekly mindfulness and meditation podcast for anyone ready to own their own shit and find a little peace while doing it. Krystal Jakosky: Hello and welcome to Breathe In, Breathe Out. I'm Krystal Jakosky. It's a beautiful day and I hope you're doing something fun and enjoyable or relaxing while you tune in. This week I got to interview Dr. Laurie Weiss, who is a psychotherapist coach and relationship communication expert. This woman is fantastic. She's actively in her eighties, and she has so much world experience when she was getting ready to retire around the age of 70. She came across this new thing called Logosynthesis and it completely derailed her retirement plans and made her think I'm gonna keep going for a while. She's written many books and she's just amazing. She's helped more than 60,000 individuals reclaim life energy and find joy in life. For more than five decades. She's taught professionals in 13 countries and authored 13 books that make complex information accessible to anyone. Her latest one is "Embrace Posterity: Resolve Blocks to Experiencing Abundance" and it teaches a powerful way to dissolve self-limiting beliefs. She's a delight. She was fun to chit-chat with, and I hope that you enjoy listening to both of us in our interview. Krystal Jakosky: Hello, and welcome back to Breathe In, Breathe Out. I'm Krystal Jakosky and I am so excited to have Dr. Laurie Weiss with us today. Welcome. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Thank you. It's a delight to be here. Krystal Jakosky: <laugh> Dr. Laurie Weiss. You, you were a psychotherapist. You were like a clinical therapist for how many years? Dr. Laurie Weiss: Well, I've barely given it up. It's been over 50 years. <laugh> and it's a psychotherapist. Yeah. Krystal Jakosky: What, what got you into that? Tell me about your life story and what brought you to this point in your fantastically young life? Dr. Laurie Weiss: Well, I, I didn't get to be a psychotherapist on purpose. It was, it was a, it was an accident, literally. I, I was a teacher and I discovered transactional analysis. I'm okay. You're okay. And had a transformational experience, you know, it was just, wow. You know, and, oh, I could do this and this and this and this, that hadn't yet been done, cuz it was a pretty new deal at the time. It "I'm okay. You're okay." for people who don't know parent, adult, and child, anyhow, uh, I was so excited by it. I wanted to learn anything I could and at the time the only training available was clinical training. And so I talked my way into it <laugh> and with, with a bachelor's degree in biology, chemistry, and English literature, and having been teaching science for a while to junior high school. So, and at some point, after I'd had enough training, one of my teachers said to me, are you ready to take your exams? I think you are. And I went, huh exams. And so I got certified as a clinical transactional analyst before I even had a master's degree in psychology, which I got some years later. <laugh> Krystal Jakosky: Wow. And that all stemmed from this transformational moment with the I'm. Okay. You're okay. We're okay. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Yes. Krystal Jakosky: Experience. So you just followed a path that was kind of set before you and it just became one step upon another Dr. Laurie Weiss: One. That's my whole life. It's like I, I have, I intended to get a Ph.D., but that was sometime after I'd already been in the field. And I said, okay. And I had just written a book and I was busy with the book and I get this message in my head, you know, that it's time to do the Ph.D. and I'm arguing with it. No, it's not time yet. No, I'm busy. I've got too much going on. But that was when I was, um, I must have been about 50 then. Krystal Jakosky: But you did go back and do the Ph.D. Dr. Laurie Weiss: I did the Ph.D. as an external program, a university in a mailbox. Basically, I had studied with every wonderful, amazing teacher that I could, that I encountered and I have such a list, you know, when people say, you know, I've studied, you know, I, I read so and so, oh yeah. I had a weekend with him. Yes. I spent a week with her. <laugh>, you know, I was in a year-long program with her. I did. And it was, you know, I just kept doing things. And so it finally came to what experience have you had for this external program? And I got credit for most of it. And then I completed the program. Krystal Jakosky: So in other words, arguing with that little voice in your head that says, yes, yes, didn't do very much. And you ended up listening and it just became a gift anyway, Dr. Laurie Weiss: Mm-hmm, <affirmative> it was a tough five years, but yes, because it also encompassed menopause and my parents go through the ends of their lives at that, in that five-year period. So it, it was pretty intense, Krystal Jakosky: Honey. That is, those are huge transitions to be dealing with on top of working with a PhD Dr. Laurie Weiss: And a full-time practice. Krystal Jakosky: Wow. How inspirational are you Dr. Laurie Weiss: Or crazy Krystal Jakosky: <laugh> or driven or inspired or I don't know what, but I know it's absolutely beautiful. So you're, you're teaching in school and then through time at some time you're gonna retire. Right. Dr. Laurie Weiss: I keep thinking, I might <laugh> when, when I, when I first found logo synthesis, I was on the retirement path. I, I was 70 years old and it seemed like, you know, I probably, you know, people are retiring now. I wonder what that's like. And then I encountered this, this, this amazing thing. And it was like, I gotta learn more about that. And I kept learning. I, I, I am, I never know exactly what's gonna happen. I follow what interests me. And that has been a wonderful, amazing life. I've gotten to do so many things that I've traveled all over the world. I've taught all over the world. Um, I've had these amazing friends. I've had these amazing experiences and hardly any of them was pre-planned. It was like, okay, that's what's next? Because I was interested because I wanted to know. And because what I know I teach, it's just built-in. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. It just helps expand the life and the life that we're living as well as the lives of others because we've learned this and then we get to help other people grow and expand and improve their state of being because of the gift that we've been given. Good for you just saying yes. And yes, let's do this and what's next and what's next. You're a sponge. Dr. Laurie Weiss: That's a good description. And sometimes I get over full and it's hard to squeeze it out. That's great. Krystal Jakosky: That's when I go to journaling, I gotta, I gotta write it down, get it out. It's like, wow, there's so much in here. Or you write a book. How many books have you written? Dr. Laurie Weiss: 13. Or 13 published. Krystal Jakosky: <laugh> how many does that mean are still in the works Dr. Laurie Weiss: Right now? The only one that's in the works is something that I'm thinking about. And wondering whether writing the book is fun. It's getting people to read it. That takes a lot of energy. It's getting it out in the world, marketing it essentially. And I had to learn how to do that. It's not my favorite thing, but I can. And you know, I keep thinking about, am I, am I going to do that or not? And I don't know, we, uh, someday I'll eat. I may wake up and it's like, okay. And I'll do it. Or I may not. Krystal Jakosky: I hear you. I hear you. Well, if it does come out, it'll just be, I mean, lucky number 13, you could stick with 13. That's a great place, to land. Right, Dr. Laurie Weiss: Right. To find out, I've got chapters in a bunch of other books too. Krystal Jakosky: Wow. That's beautiful. You mentioned coming across. So you were getting ready to retire. You're coming up on 70 ish and then you come across this thing called logo synthesis. Can you tell me about that experience? Can you tell me what piqued your interest in going from psychotherapy to this? Dr. Laurie Weiss: Yes. Um, the, the first thing that happens, I heard about it. I have these wild friends who are on the cutting edge of everything, and they told me about this and they were very dry and it didn't make any sense to me at all. And I completely dismissed it. It was like that doesn't count. And then we were having dinner with those same friends in Montreal, in a Mexican restaurant, because they were living in Canada and they didn't get Mexican food. Very often. I live in Colorado and I have my fill, but okay. So we went and they promised it would be a nice quiet place. Well, I, I am one of those super-sensitive people, you know, my nerve ends are out there. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And it started out quiet, but then the families came in and the kids started screaming and then the mariachis came and they started with the trumpets and the food came and they promised, I, I ordered something, you know, not spice, not spice because I can't eat spice and they brought it and I couldn't eat it. And so I tried again and they brought it and I couldn't eat it. So all of this is going on, everybody else is eating and I'm sending food back and giving up. And, and I was stressed. That would be putting it mildly. It was like that, mm. Outta here. And so I thought, well, you know, I have got a lot of tools I left while they paid the bills. My husband was there and I thought, I'll go out in the parking lot. I'll calm down. So I did, you know, I, I did my deep breathing. Dr. Laurie Weiss: I did the tapping, which, you know, worked, and thought I was okay. And so my friend came out and he said, uh, are you okay? And I said, yeah, I'm fine. And he said, well, tell me what happened. And I said it in words. And then he said, well, show me. He said, and I said, it's a certain point. My body went, oh. And he said, well, say these words with me. And I'd only known the man for 40 years. And he was a psychiatrist. I trust him. Sure. So I said the words, and I didn't really understand what I was saying. And at the end of the time, I felt this deep, profound relaxation that, and it looked took, you know, less than 10 minutes, probably five minutes. And I felt this huge relaxation. And I was like, is that what you were talking about? Yeah, <laugh> okay. I have to learn. And so we, we had a very, very busy weekend, uh, fall that it was like in August. And we had almost every weekend scheduled. So they set up a workshop in Nova Scotia to coincide with the only weekend we had free. So we had to go, Krystal Jakosky: Thanks, friends. Dr. Laurie Weiss: <laugh> it's good friends, you know, <laugh>. So we went and at that workshop, uh, something happened, I didn't know what, but I was always exhausted by airplane travel. Just the noise, you know, the stimulation, the crowds, everything. Well, on the way home, I forgot to be tired. Krystal Jakosky: <laugh> Dr. Laurie Weiss: I didn't find out until about three years later when I found some old notes that I had worked on a problem, not a problem. Just an image that came up from when I was about eight or nine years old on the subway in New York at rush hour, just like sine between a bunch of people. I've never been overwhelmed by noise since then. I have never, I've not been bothered by airplane travel since then. It was like, wow, I kept learning. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Yeah. So this embarked, this helped you embark another 12 years plus, cuz it's still going career, helping people, clients you teach. Dr. Laurie Weiss: I did for a while now. I've pretty much put it in my books and people watch sessions with me after they read the books, I'll do that. But <laugh>, uh, it, the process makes doing therapy so much quicker and easier too. So what used to take six months or so to do, I can do in a matter of weeks and what used to take, you know, a month or two sometimes in one session. Krystal Jakosky: Wow. Though, I don't do, Dr. Laurie Weiss: I don't do it very often, but you know, I, I still do a little bit Krystal Jakosky: And that's all through Logosynthesis Dr. Laurie Weiss: It's all, it's all through using the tool on top of everything else I have. It's not, it's not isolated. I mean, I've got a whole bunch of things I use whatever is appropriate. But when people get to the place where they're stuck, where they're afraid to go into something, when something is just really tight. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Using those words in that way will help loosen it and often make it disappear completely. Krystal Jakosky: Huh. So one of your statements earlier was that the reason for distress is often very different than what you think it is. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Mm-hmm <affirmative> but give you another example. Uh, one time I was in some kind of encounter with some, some man who was very nasty to me without reason mm-hmm <affirmative> and I didn't feel like I responded very well. So I was going over and over and over what I could have said what I should have said, you know what I might have said? And you know, maybe if I ever encountered him again, I could say Dr. Laurie Weiss: Right spinning basically. Yeah. And by that time I was doing Logosynthesis pretty frequently. And the interesting thing is I often go over stuff when I am getting ready for bed. I mean, lots of us do Krystal Jakosky: Mm-hmm Dr. Laurie Weiss: <affirmative> so I'm brushing my teeth and thinking about this and oh, alright. So I say, all right, let's say the sentences. So I say the sentences about that and all of a sudden I get a picture and a memory that were at least 60 years old, something I had not thought about forever. Yeah. And it was of being bullied when I was 10 years old, it was like, I even remembered the girl's name. This was in fifth grade. <laugh> Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Not harsh. Dr. Laurie Weiss: I remember your name. And I did, you know, the memory of being bullied, which is I did that. The issue with the man completely went out of my head. I relaxed, and I went to bed. It was like that upset with him could be traced somehow my mind took it right back to where it started. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. It's a lot of it's it sounds like a lot of just inner child and works healing stuff that happened so far back that we don't, we don't recognize that we kind of makes these patterns. We, have them throughout our lives and they start when we're very young and they really affect how we move forward. Yeah. Until we do something like this, where we take a pause and we look at the why behind what's really going on, and it's not just that it's a loud noise or that somebody spoke mean to us. It's literally that something happened a while ago that is affecting us at this moment. And going back to that moment and breathing and acknowledging it in some way can heal that, which then actually heals us throughout and up to this moment so that we can move forward. Easier. I love that. Krystal Jakosky: I, I, this is something that I talk about a lot too, that, that we need to look further back, not just in this specific moment, like when we're having a, a difficult conversation with a loved one, and we're really frustrated with what's being said, and what's going on. It's not normally that other person that you're angry at. You're typically upset with something that happened before that is triggering these emotions that are coming forward now that you have to deal with and face and work with. And if you have that ability to do that, whether however, that is whatever works for us, each individual person, then it's like this huge gift that we have to find more compassion, love, and peace for ourselves. And then we're just kinder to ourselves and everyone around us. So it blows me away that you're about to retire at 70 years old. And then you're like, okay, I'll do another, I don't know. Maybe you'll go for another 20 years. <laugh> Dr. Laurie Weiss: I didn't think about that. I just thought about I'll go to this workshop. <laugh> and then, oh, that was fun. I'll go to the next one. Krystal Jakosky: <laugh> if you had known that this is where you would go in your life, what would you tell the younger you back then? Dr. Laurie Weiss: Not worry so much about where I'm going. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: I actually, I never did worry too much about where I was going. I was having too much fun along the way. <laugh> it's more like quit listening to all those people who say you should have goals. Krystal Jakosky: Oh, Dr. Laurie Weiss: I think it would be more like that. And actually what I learned somewhere along my meanderings was that if you focus on one kind of thing, certain kinds of things can happen. If you focus on something else, other kinds of things can happen. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And people can be very successful if they're of a mind to focus on goals and get there. And it's not like I didn't have goals, like finishing the book and getting the Ph.D. I mean, those are goals, but yeah. Uh, purpose, I think is more important. We need to know what we're here for. That can take a lot of development. It doesn't, you don't always know. I mean, some people know, you know, I'm here to be a healer. I know that. I didn't know that, but as I worked and when you talked about inner child work, um, I wrote the book on developmentally based psychotherapy with my husband, which John Bradshaw, who is the guru of inner child work referred to as the, and, and did the introduction to, oh, this, this is the book to read about. This is, is the only place where it's done in this way. I got very clear that damage is done to children. Not because their parents are cruel or mean or anything or, or mean harm. They mean to help them 95% of the time, at least they mean help. Yeah. They, do the best they can. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And because of the damage that they have endured in some way, visited onto the children onto the seventh generation, whatever, uh, they do this damage, we pass on only what we know. And so it became my purpose to interfere with that cycle so that people could pass on things that heal. They can heal and pass on the good things to their children. They can be calm instead of reactive. Krystal Jakosky: Mm I, I, I just love that you've told us about Logosynthesis and a little bit about how you say it's a simple procedure and that it's words, are there guidelines for, for Logosynthesis? Are there like, Dr. Laurie Weiss: Yes, <laugh>, Krystal Jakosky: <laugh> Dr. Laurie Weiss: There, there's a very specific set of words. Um, this was developed in Switzerland by Dr. Willem Lamers, who is a psychotherapist with infinite experience and all kinds of training and all kind and, and a meditator and a boot, you know, studied everything and looking for a simpler way. This was something that came to him more or less spontaneously. And he was so surprised by the results. He kept developing it. There are a lot of people in Europe using it now, um, spreading, but it's spreading slowly. It was pretty new when I encountered it. Krystal Jakosky: Okay. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Also, um, being a Swiss Dutch psychologist, and academic, he wrote in a way that was not easy to consume Krystal Jakosky: Bedtime reading <laugh> Dr. Laurie Weiss: It was something like that. Krystal Jakosky: <laugh>. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And so the process is the basic process is simple. That's like the first layer, there's a whole lot of information that you can go deeper with, but the basic process is extremely simple. And I said, you know, I write to take complicated stuff and make it accessible to anybody. That's what I do. That's what I've always done. And finally, he said, would you write the book? And so I did, I just wrote this little book, letting it go relieve anxiety and toxic stress in just a few minutes using only words, wow, this is the revised copy. The original copy was published in 2016 and I just revised it <laugh> and, um, he loved it and he, he promoted, it, gave it away, said, start with this, then read my books, made it. <laugh> made a lot of sense. He's been writing a lot of more, more accessible books since then, but at that time he had not yet done that. Krystal Jakosky: So, so you, so you took this, these words and this concept cuz he was teaching it. Yeah. But it was so big and just so wordy and so kind of difficult to really digest and take in and made it so much more approachable and simple and relatable for people to be able to really honestly take it inside and, and use the tools that are presented in there. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Right. It's not mysterious and, you don't have to have a huge amount of background in order to use it. And so he was giving people all the background, which is wonderful. If you're professional and wanna see how it fits in and like that, I, I don't wanna put that down at all. I mean, no, but, uh, it isn't easy for somebody to just pick it up and get it and I, they don't need all that. They just need to know how to use it. And so that's what I really about. You can use it. I think here's, here's basically what to do and why. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. I love to learn. I'm more of a, I wanna learn it now. And then after I've learned it now, then I can say, all right, now I wanna know why we do that. Now I wanna know the energy behind that or the purpose behind that. So to have both of those, you can say, okay, now that I've got the nuts and bolts, now that I've got the ball, I wanna see how it bounces or why it bounces or what it, what it does from here. So I think it's really cool that you were able to help him balance that out and bring it to more people, making it easier. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Yeah. A lot of professionals read it. Sync yeah. Thing. This is, you know, this won't pan and they, oh, it does work. Okay. Let me learn more. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Just, just like you with your friend. Okay. You make no sense right now, but that's okay. <laugh> Dr. Laurie Weiss: Yeah. Krystal Jakosky: So would you like to, can we do a little demonstration? Dr. Laurie Weiss: Sure, sure. It's just repeating three sentences. Krystal Jakosky: Okay. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And pausing in between to notice what's going on because you may or may not react to the sentences. You may or may not respond to them. Some people go, but nothing happened. I'm kinda like that. And other people have a huge physical reaction and start going like that. Krystal Jakosky: Wow. Dr. Laurie Weiss: So one never knows. And also you can't control it. Krystal Jakosky: No, Dr. Laurie Weiss: I'm not trying to do something with it. I'm trying to help you access your own resources. Krystal Jakosky: And I love that statement right there. Access my own resources. Love it. Dr. Laurie Weiss: <laugh> yeah, because you, you have a connection yeah. To your higher self or to God or, or to the universe or to whatever it is that we all have different names for, but that infinite energy. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And it's that infinite energy. That essence tells us what to do. Krystal Jakosky: Amen. <laugh> I agree. Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Yeah. I'll be using the word. I Krystal Jakosky: Okay. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And I refer to the part of you that's connected to that infinite essence. Okay. It's not the part of you that is making things happen. This is not about making things happen. It's about letting things happen. Krystal Jakosky: So it's my spiritual eye. Not my physical or mental eye. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Yeah. Krystal Jakosky: Cool. Dr. Laurie Weiss: The eye that is we and the name of somebody else. Some other authors. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. It's the Royal “I.” Dr. Laurie Weiss: So it helps me to know, you said that you were stressed <laugh> can you just tell me a little bit about that? You don't have to say. Um, Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. So, uh, well my husband, my mom lives here on the property and she's been laid up and my husband's been laid up and we've had people visiting and, uh, that I've got work as well. So I've just got a lot of things that are just kind of piled on top of me and I'm doing really well. And yet, you know, <laugh>, there's a lot of stress that goes on with that as well. Dr. Laurie Weiss: All right. I, I got the image from what you said <laugh> you said all of these piled on top of me. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: So you've got a whole lot of energy tied up in what's piled on top of you, right? Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Okay. So we'll be working with the energy. Okay. Okay. Krystal Jakosky: Mm-hmm Dr. Laurie Weiss: <affirmative> so just remember when I say relax, breathe. I, I won't take a long time now because, um, we're on the air. Yeah. If I were doing it in my office or something, I might take a lot longer. Okay. Yeah. All right. So just say these words after me. Krystal Jakosky: Okay. Dr. Laurie Weiss: I retrieve all of my own energy and say that Krystal Jakosky: I retrieve all of my own energy Dr. Laurie Weiss: Bound up in this pile of things Krystal Jakosky: Bound up in this pile of things. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And I take my energy Krystal Jakosky: And I take my energy Dr. Laurie Weiss: To the right place in myself Krystal Jakosky: To the right place in myself. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Okay. Now just breathe. Just notice what's happening Krystal Jakosky: First off. I just wanna giggle and laugh. I just feel so good. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Okay. Krystal Jakosky: And my heart feels just really warm, so that's really cool. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Wonderful. Okay. Keep letting the energy move. Notice, whatever happens. Krystal Jakosky: My hands just started to sweat <laugh> Dr. Laurie Weiss: Okay. Krystal Jakosky: And there's a knot in the middle of my back. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Keep breathing and noticing what happens, Krystal Jakosky: You know, immediately when you had me say the first one, I pull my energy back into me. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Okay. Krystal Jakosky: I could feel it automatically returning. It was the sensation of like my chest being filled back up instead of hollow. Dr. Laurie Weiss: I'm gonna give you the next sentence now. Krystal Jakosky: Okay. Dr. Laurie Weiss: I remove all of the non-me energy. Krystal Jakosky: I remove all of the non-me energy Dr. Laurie Weiss: Involved in this pile of stuff Krystal Jakosky: Involved in this pile of stuff. Dr. Laurie Weiss: I remove that energy. Krystal Jakosky: I remove that energy Dr. Laurie Weiss: From all of my cells, Krystal Jakosky: From all of my cells, Dr. Laurie Weiss: From all of my body, Krystal Jakosky: From all of my body Dr. Laurie Weiss: And from my personal space Krystal Jakosky: And from my personal space. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And I send it to wherever it truly belongs Krystal Jakosky: And I send it to wherever it truly belongs. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Okay. Now read again. and Just notice what happens. Krystal Jakosky: The first thing I noticed was that at the end of that, my throat wanted to close up, Dr. Laurie Weiss: Keep breathing Krystal Jakosky: And now it's loose again. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Okay. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: All right. Next sentence. I retrieve all of my energy. Krystal Jakosky: I retrieve all of my energy Dr. Laurie Weiss: Bound up in all of my reactions. Krystal Jakosky: Hmm. Bound up in all of my reactions Dr. Laurie Weiss: To this pile of stuff, Krystal Jakosky: To this pile of stuff. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And I take my energy Krystal Jakosky: And I take my energy Dr. Laurie Weiss: To the right place in myself Krystal Jakosky: To the right place in myself. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Just keep breathing, just notice what happens. Krystal Jakosky: My heart just kind of settled, like for, I don't know how to explain it other than it. It was almost like it was bound up tight and held up high and now it just kind of relaxed and settled into where it belongs so that it can just rest and I'm not wearing my shoulders as earrings. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Okay. So it sounds like you're somewhat less stressed. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. You know what? I'm sitting taller. I have been slouching lately from that weight. Just kind of mm-hmm <affirmative> you know, and uh, I feel it's easier to sit taller right now. It's, it's more comfortable to sit taller than that slouched. I gotta get through the next little while. Okay. Wow. That's really cool. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Isn't it? It's just it's so easy to do. And normally I wouldn't have somebody talking to me while they're doing it in this case. It made sense. I was wishing that all the people who are only listening could also see all yeah. What was happening with your face because you kept changing <laugh> Krystal Jakosky: When, uh, for those just listening to the podcast instead of, uh, watching, which you can absolutely watch on the YouTube channel. Um, I do have a lot of facial expressions. Um, and yet these, these moments, you can really feel everything settle. You can really feel everything, let go and breathe and expand. And it's really pretty amazing. Just the way that you can settle back into yourself is the way I'm gonna put it. Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Mm. So it, that's like the sample version there's that you can do so much with it. Krystal Jakosky: Wow. So your book letting it go mm-hmm, <affirmative> walks you through all of this stuff and teaches you Dr. Laurie Weiss: Yeah. Krystal Jakosky: How to work with it. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Yeah. It covers some of the stories that I've told you because those were so important to me. Yeah. And it helps you figure out where you are, where your energy is stuck, because, you know, usually we talk about the story. Yeah. You know, it's all about the story. It's all about what happened. Um, and, it is, I, I learned to listen to stories for my whole career as a psychotherapist. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And, and I love to listen to stories. So I have to train myself that there's another level and the level I'm listening, for now, feeling whatever, trying to tune into yeah. Is the energy level and that's as real as the story level. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And when we encounter something, we can't manage, whether it's something tiny when we're a little kid or whether it's something huge, like a trauma as an adult. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Uh, we tend to freeze the energy. We, we get it stuck. And every time we freeze energy, it's like a physical thing that's between us and our source between us and our essence. And so when you've got a lot of those stuck energy things, mm-hmm <affirmative>, and, and you can't help it. I mean, we just do it. It's a way its self-protective mechanism that we are born with. It's great. We need it. And we don't need to keep it. It's like, yeah. It's like something that happened to you when you were even 21. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: When you're 40, you've got a huge amount, more resources you survive that, you know how to deal with it. You don't have to carry around that stuck place. That, that bound up energy. So when you take your energy back and I don't know how it's done it just, you know, part of that, that part of you knows how to do it. You just give it, the words are the clue that says, take your energy back. Yeah. Oh, okay. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. It's reminding us to be present in ourselves and acknowledge where we're at. And, and, um, one of the questions I often ask myself, I'm an emotional, intuitive, so I can feel other people's emotions. And, uh, I often stop my, yeah. I often stop myself and ask, is this mine? Or is this someone else's? And I, you instinctively know, well, that's not mine. Okay. Well, if it's not mine, I talk to my higher power and say, well, you please remove this from me. And it is not mine. I do not need to carry it. And as soon as I acknowledge that, as soon as I bring that forward, it just is released mm-hmm Dr. Laurie Weiss: <affirmative> Krystal Jakosky: And it's that awareness and that intention and that being present in the moment. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Mm-hmm, <affirmative> Krystal Jakosky: The beautiful thing I love about this photosynthesis is that you don't have to be in a state of crisis to do this. Um, you know, a lot of us have to hit rock bottom so that we can find something new to help us out. And this is so simple, so gentle, so light, and approachable that anybody can pick it up at any stage. And even if you have a tiny little thing that you wanna shift, that you're frustrated with, you can shift it. So thank you for being on my show and sharing that. Is there another book like you, we've gone over, um, letting you go, is there another book that you're absolutely thrilled with and really wanna share with us? Dr. Laurie Weiss: Well, my, I have two series. Krystal Jakosky: Okay. Dr. Laurie Weiss: This is the series. Yeah. And this one, you know, we've got so many money worries. Krystal Jakosky: Mm-hmm, <affirmative>, Dr. Laurie Weiss: You know, particularly now, you know, with, with the inflation, you know, you go to the store and pretty soon you're seeing yourself, you know, with a, a shopping cart under a bridge. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And those images that, that you carry, even though they're in the future, even though they're never gonna happen, their fantasies will SAP your energy from doing what you know how to do. Krystal Jakosky: So this other book she's sharing with us is called embrace posterity by resolving blocks, to experiencing abundance. And it's all about just opening up the possibility and the beauty that you, you can receive abundance and you can live in abundance. You don't have to be in lack. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Right. I wrote this one with Dr. Lamers. We were both interested in working with, um, money. I had been for a long, long time working with people about money, learning about it myself. And he was too. And when I said I wanted to learn what he was doing, he said, okay. And then you can write a book about it. <laugh> so, you know, we, we can do it together, which meant I could write it. And he could add a little bit. Krystal Jakosky: Yeah. Dr. Laurie Weiss: One of the things in here I just love is one of his exercises in which you think about a goal, something that you really want Krystal Jakosky: Mm-hmm <affirmative> Dr. Laurie Weiss: And you know, that there are all kinds of blocks in the way. And there's a process for identifying each block along the way, the physical process, and then doing logo synthesis, doing the logo, the simple process about it. So that's how Logosynthesis can get to so many more things. Krystal Jakosky: Layers. Yeah. Absolutely layers, simplicity, and layers. Yeah. That I love it. They really go hand in hand. Thank you. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Yeah. Then, the other book that I'm thinking about, you know, maybe I'm gonna write is letting go of stuff. <laugh> things, because I'm, at a point of, I don't need all the things I had. I've got bookcases full of books. I'm never gonna read it again. I've got, you know, and yet I wanna hold on, but if I let it if I do the words withholding the the object Krystal Jakosky: Mm-hmm <affirmative>, Dr. Laurie Weiss: I can let it go. And yeah, I've done this with, with other people who are interested. And one woman had this collection of toys she had had since childhood and she was downsizing and she couldn't figure out what to do with them. She didn't wanna, you know, just give them, she didn't wanna let them go. Anyhow, we did the process and they wound up in a museum, long story short. Krystal Jakosky: Oh, wow. Dr. Laurie Weiss: She contacted her hometown museum and I have this and this, would you like? Yes, she was so happy. Krystal Jakosky: That's a beautiful way to honor herself in the experience that she had with them and also pay it forward and allow it to be something that other people can see and remember, and acknowledge. And, um, that's a beautiful way to honor both sides of it. So mm-hmm <affirmative> yeah, yeah. Getting rid of stuff and downsizing, you know, especially as we age and we don't need as much stuff. And we're like, you know, for me, I, my mom lives on my property and thinking of going through all of that stuff, when she eventually, um, moves on to the next life, it's like, yeah, how do I honor her and her experience in that same vein? So if I can get rid of stuff personally, then I'll do that too. Laurie, is there any additional note, any additional little gem that you would like to share with our audience today? Dr. Laurie Weiss: Well, I have something on my website that they could go retrieve themselves, which is called, um, worry less starting now. I think that's what it's called anyway, right on it's right on the first page. Krystal Jakosky: Okay. Dr. Laurie Weiss: And it helps you refine how to use the sentences. Okay. It, it gives you something and you don't need the sentences and they come at the end and they tell you, go get the book because that really teaches you how to use them, but it gives you the sentences written down as well. And it takes about 10 minutes a day for a week. Krystal Jakosky: Okay. So that's on Laurie weiss.com. That's Dr. Laurie Weiss: Right. Krystal Jakosky: Great. And we will have that also in, um, our notes on the podcast and on the YouTube video so that people can go to that and find you and connect with your books and all of like the logo synthesis and breaking blocks to abundance. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Right? If, if they want relationship books, I wrote seven of those. Krystal Jakosky: Love how simple it is. I love how easy it is and how gentle it is. I keep one of my things, one of my goals for this year with the podcast is just opening up new possibilities, new ways that people can do self-care and dive a little bit deeper. And what works for one doesn't work for another. What is really exciting to one person may not be, is another person's cup of tea. And yet exposing them to all of these opportunities has become a fun little passion for me. And I love that you came on, I love your wealth of knowledge and experience. I love the life that you've lived in saying yes, and yes. And I'm gonna retire. Nevermind. Yes. And what more can I do? And how can I just keep learning and growing? You're an inspiration to us to just keep being vital and keep learning and moving and growing and live the best most joyful life you possibly can. So I thank you for being on, I thank you for opening my mind and every one of the listeners' minds, and you're just a gem. Dr. Laurie Weiss: Thank you. It has been a delight to be with you and you are providing such a wonderful service for people just having, having this available to them. Uh, just makes me happy knowing that younger, younger people are out there doing it. Yeah. So thank you so much too. It's wonderful. Krystal Jakosky: Thank you. Have a wonderful day, Laurie, and to all of my listeners, check her out and then come back here next week for Breathe In, Breathe Out. I hope this moment of self-care and healing brought you some hope and peace. I'm Krystal Jakosky on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube. And I hope you check us out and follow along for more content coming soon. I look forward to being with you again, here on Breathe In, Breathe Out. Until next time, take care.

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