The Golden Heart Meditation with Tom Cronin

Episode 61 June 08, 2022 00:14:52
The Golden Heart Meditation with Tom Cronin
Breathe In, Breathe Out with Krystal Jakosky
The Golden Heart Meditation with Tom Cronin

Jun 08 2022 | 00:14:52


Hosted By

Krystal Jakosky

Show Notes

In last week's episode of Breathe In, Breathe Out, Tom Cronin and I spoke about the beauty of meditation and the power that already exists within all of us. This week, Tom returns to guide us through his Golden Heart Meditation.

Tom Cronin spent 26 years in finance markets as one of Australia’s leading bond and swap brokers. He discovered meditation in the early stages of his career, when the anxiety and chaos he was experiencing had hit a crisis point, and it completely transformed his world, both personally and professionally. Founder of The Stillness Project, a global movement to inspire one billion people to sit in stillness daily, Tom is passionate about reducing stress and chaos in people’s lives. His ongoing work in transformational leadership coaching and corporate training has seen him working with some of the top companies in the world like Amazon, Qantas, UBS and Coca-Cola. He has spoken on stage at conferences and events like Adnews Summit, Afest, Wanderlust and Mind Heart Connect. Tom has six books published, a meditation app and produced the hit film The Portal.

Want to learn more about Tom? Visit his website, follow him on Instagram, and watch his feature film, "The Portal." Our listeners also have access to Tom's free ebook! Check that out here.




FIRST TIME HERE? Hey, there! I’m Krystal Jakosky - a teacher, writer, and transformational life coach based in CO. I release weekly podcasts about self-care, hard truths, journaling, meditation, and radical self-ownership. All are wholeheartedly welcome here. 

LET’S CONNECT! Visit my website and visit me on InstagramFacebook, YouTube.

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Episode Transcript

Think meditation is hard? Do me a favor, take a slow deep breath in and now breathe out. Congratulations, you just meditated. Hi, I’m Krystal Jakosky, and this is Breathe In, Breathe Out: a Weekly Mindfulness and Meditation podcast for anyone ready to own their own shit and find a little peace while doing it. Krystal Jakosky: Welcome back to Breathe In, Breathe Out. I'm Krystal Jakosky and always thrilled that you're here. Last week, we had a chat with Tom Cronin about meditation and how beneficial it is in our lives, and how approachable it can be. This week he is taking us through one that is the golden heart meditation he does. So I want to remind you it's best not to be in a car. Please find a comfy, safe, safe space to curl up and enjoy, and really allow yourself to sink in and heal in this moment. Without further ado, I pass it off to you. Tom Cronin: Thank you. Lovely to be here and welcome everyone. So for this meditation, we're meditating for about 10 minutes. So if you can find yourself in a nice, comfortable space where you won't be disturbed and just sitting comfortably in a chair, you don't need to be on a floor if you're comfortable there that's okay. But if you find yourself just in the most comfortable position possible, that's all we need for this, the eyes now moving in and out body and that for less breath and ebb and flow, that's been happening throughout your entire life. It moves in and it moves out morning and evening, night and day. I want you to, as that moves in and body, that it passes through your nostrils. I want you to notice as it moves through the nostrils, there's a slight cooling effect around the room of the nostril, and it's very, very subtle. You really need to keep your attention focused on that cooling skin. As the air brushes, the moisture around the room of the nostril slightly cools the skin under the moisture as the air oscillates in and out of your body. Passing through that rim, brushing the moisture so it drifts away. Practice is to keep, and bring it back to the cool around that might get frustrated. This is the practice to just keep putting back to that single point, pulling around TRO and now with calm and body, calm you to bring your awareness further down into the body, into the heart, to just start observing inside the chest cavity, a beautiful light the size of a softball or grapefruit, golden or of light like the sun suspended in the vast cavity of your chest, just behind the chest play, feeling the beautiful warmth and radiance, this golden light. There's a saying where the attention goes, it grows and we don't give our heart very much attention. So as we bring our awareness to this golden light and aware of the radiance and the purity of that illumination that happens within us and the light from that orb is so powerful and so bright, and that it starts to spread the radiance down through the torso, into the belly, filling your belly up with a beautiful, soft horror of the old and loving light. That light continues to spread down through the hips, softening and attention in the hips down and through the abdomen, down through the upper legs, down through the knees, filling up the hollowness of your legs, softening, melting with cold and loving light down through the lower portion of your legs through the ankles, down into the feet and out into the toes, or filled with a golden soft aura of loving light. Coming back to the heart, as it starts to radiate up through the upper chest, spreading a golden aura of loving light and down through your right arm, down through the shoulder, softening through the joints, down through the elbow, and into the lower portion of the arm, into the hands and all the way through to the, in your, and it's spread out the left shoulder, the left arm spreading and aura radiant light down through the elbow to the lower portion of the left arm, through the left wrist and into the hand and out to the end tips of your fingers in your left hand, your arms and upper body are filled with a beautiful aura of a loving, warm radius of gold and light. Now it spreads up through the throat, clearing any blocks in the throat. Is it warm and nourishes your throat up into your head, filling your whole head with this beautiful aura of gold and radiant loving light body is filled with this lightness, this luminosity, and you feel light so very, very light. This light is so powerful and so pure and so ready. It starts to spread through the pause of your skin, shimmering like a radiant glow outside of your body, and all-around your body is also a golden aura of loving light. This is all just pure golden loving light, no story, no drama, no future, and no past just presence and radiant Lovingness your whole being is just pure, loving light. And now to be the lightness of your being, keep feeling their lightness and feeling like float away, you're just so light and wherever you go, you keep radiating this light so pure. So bright light is that it's dark. So regardless of around you, regardless of your circumstances, you just be the beacon of light carrying that radiance and taking a deep breath in the abdomen and then letting go. If you wish to continue on, you can just continue sitting quietly, come back to us. Welcome back. Krystal Jakosky: That was absolutely beautiful. Thank you, Tom. I really appreciate you and your time today. I really appreciate you starting your morning and coming here and just being with me and being able to check-in so well. Thank you for giving a piece of yourself to us today. Tom Cronin: It's been a great experience to share space with you and be in your presence. I hope this moment of self-care and healing brought you some hope and peace. I’m @krystaljakosky on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube and I hope you check us out and follow along for more content coming soon. I look forward to being with you again here on Breathe In, Breathe Out. Until next time, take care.

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